Safeguarding of Adult and Child Level 2 Combined

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Adult Safeguarding

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Adult Safeguarding in Health & Social Care

The Core of Adult Safeguarding

Adult safeguarding is the embodiment of proactive measures ensuring the welfare and safety of adults requiring care and support, shielding them from any form of neglect, abuse, or harm. The philosophy rests on harmonising safety rights with the prerogative of making informed choices, defined by access to comprehensive decision-making information.

Key Regulatory Frameworks

In the realm of social care, several pivotal regulations underscore safeguarding:

  • The Care Act 2014: Obligates local authorities to probe any reports of neglect, abuse, or risk within their jurisdiction. It also champions the creation of multi-agency safeguarding adult boards to retrospectively examine cases where inter-agency efforts could have been more robust.
  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Aims to safeguard and empower those unable to independently make decisions.
  • The Human Rights Act 1998: Confers fundamental rights, like the right to life and freedom from any form of degrading treatment.
  • The Equality Act 2010: Protects individuals from discrimination on grounds like race, gender, age, and more.

Comprehending 'Harm'

The spectrum of harm spans various elements, from physical and mental abuse to unlawful acts impacting an individual's property or rights, such as financial misdemeanours.

Individual Well-being & Its Facets

Well-being delves deeper than just physical health. It envelopes elements like self-esteem, hope, interpersonal connections, and the capacity to communicate. Safeguarding stresses both the promotion of well-being and the fulfilment of rudimentary needs, from nutrition to security.

Responsibilities within Health & Social Care Organisations

Every member within a care organisation is pivotal in ensuring impeccable care delivery. Individuals under care must feel empowered to challenge any mediocrity in service and be conversant with the procedure to voice concerns. Establishing a transparent culture fosters pre-emptive addressing of issues.

Addressing & Resolving Concerns

Should issues arise, it's paramount to address them adequately. If grievances persist, acquainting the concerned individual with the complaints mechanism is crucial, often necessitating guidance through the process to ensure a person-centric approach to care.

Professional Standards & Conduct

As an integral cog in the health and social care system, any neglect or harm caused might be deemed abusive. Hence, understanding workplace-specific safeguarding norms is vital. Adherence to the Care Quality Commission's fundamental quality and safety standards, coupled with the code of conduct for health and adult social care workers in England, is non-negotiable.

Adherence to the Code

The code accentuates the imperative to never let one's actions compromise an individual's health or safety. Exploitation, neglect, or any form of harm, be it towards care recipients, their carers, or peers, is strictly taboo. For comprehensive insights into safeguarding responsibilities and coordination with peers, seeking a dialogue with managerial staff is advised.