Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Diversity and discrimination

Video 42 of 102
2 min 14 sec
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The Importance of Diversity in Health and Social Care

Understanding Diversity

In the health and social care sector, embracing and understanding diversity is paramount. The term "diverse" signifies a range of distinct and varied elements. Factors contributing to this diversity include, but are not limited to: age, culture, religious beliefs, physical abilities, dietary preferences, attitudes, sexual orientations, and even individual tastes and aversions. Recognising and valuing diversity entails acknowledging the individuality of each person and fostering an inclusive setting where everyone is welcomed, valued, and respected equally.

Equality Legislation and Discrimination

The legislation on equality outlines the distinction between direct and indirect discrimination, recognising numerous protected characteristics, such as age, disability, race, and religious beliefs.

Direct Discrimination

Direct discrimination is evident when an individual is treated unfavourably or differently from others, based solely on characteristics like their religious or perceived beliefs. Such behaviours are deemed unlawful under the Equalities Act. Additionally, discrimination can also stem from affiliations or associations with someone possessing a protected characteristic.

Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination emerges when a universally applied practice, policy, or rule negatively affects or places individuals with protected characteristics at a disadvantage. Although not every instance of indirect discrimination is illegal, justifications for policies causing such outcomes must be sound and outweigh any adverse effects on those with protected characteristics.

Championing Inclusivity and Respect

For those in the health and social care sector, it is vital to stand by the principles of equality. This means understanding protected characteristics and ensuring that all practices and policies not only uphold these principles but actively foster a culture of respect and inclusiveness.