Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Duty of care

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The Duty of Care in the Health and Care Sector

Defining Duty of Care

Duty of care represents a legal commitment, ensuring individuals consistently act in the welfare of others. This encompasses avoiding harm, never neglecting responsibilities, and only performing tasks they're skilled and confident in.

Duty of Care's Broad Scope

Care workers owe this duty not only to those they support but also to their peers, employers, the general public, and even themselves. Importantly, one cannot choose to bypass this vital responsibility. The duty remains relevant even when providing care within someone's residence.

Consent and Best Interest

Acting in someone's best interest necessitates obtaining their consent unless there's evidence suggesting they're incapable of making decisions at that moment.

Expectations from Care Workers

Care workers are entrusted with providing top-notch care. If obstacles arise, hindering this duty's fulfillment, it's their onus to communicate them adequately. They should:

  • Uphold Trustworthiness: Adhere to their training, professional background, and standards set in the code of practice.
  • Apply Skills Effectively: Showcase their expertise efficiently in their roles.

Maintaining Professionalism and Quality Care

For care workers, it's vital to:

  • Stay updated with current knowledge and skills.
  • Deliver services that match or surpass the expected quality based on their professional competencies and job scope.
  • Ensure safety in care provisions, staying informed on necessary protocols.
  • Keep precise, up-to-date records of care and support, including capacity evaluations and decision-making justifications.
  • Delegate tasks only if the assignee possesses the required competence and likewise.
  • Preserve the confidentiality of delicate data unless a broader duty of care or public interest mandates disclosure.


By adhering to their duty of care, care workers foster a secure and professional working atmosphere, ensuring the welfare of all stakeholders.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Standard 3.1 - Learning Outcome 3.1a
  • Standard 3.1 - Learning Outcome 3.1b
  • Standard 3.1 - Learning Outcome 3.2a