Safeguarding of Children (Child Protection) Level 2 (VTQ)

43 videos, 1 hour and 47 minutes

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Legislation relating to Safeguarding Children

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Key UK Legislation Promoting Child Welfare

The welfare of children is central to numerous pieces of legislation, in addition to specific policies, procedures, and operational guidelines of organisations. Here, we examine the significant Acts designed to protect children and young individuals, including their objectives and provisions.

The Children's Act of 1989

The Children's Act of 1989 is a landmark piece of legislation created to protect children at risk or in need of services. It offers explicit guidelines on the necessary actions if there is suspicion of a child or young person being in danger or needing support.

The Children's Act of 2004

The Children's Act of 2004 presents the legal framework for how social services and other agencies manage child-related concerns. It requires local authorities and their partners to collaborate and ensure that services are harmonised. Additionally, it encourages the development of a joint plan involving parents, children, and young people, outlining the legal expectations for children's care. This Act emphasises children's rights to enjoy life, maintain health, stay safe, contribute positively to society, and develop skills that will enhance their future economic stability.

The Sexual Offences Act 2003

Divided into two parts, the Sexual Offences Act 2003 first defines what comprises a sexual offence, covering both physical and non-physical interactions. It sets the age of consent at 16, barring cases where the other party holds a position of trust, such as a worker, teacher, or trainer, wherein the age of consent is 18. The second part of the Act pertains to the sex offenders register and civil protective orders.

The Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 consolidates care and support legislation into one Act, focusing on well-being principles. While primarily designed for adults in need of support and their carers, it also includes provisions for children and young carers. The Act acknowledges children who care for their parents at home, integrating them into their parents' needs assessments to determine the required support.

The Children and Families Act 2014

The Children and Families Act 2014 aims to enhance protection for vulnerable children, develop a new system to assist children with special education needs or disabilities, improve support for children with separated parents, and aid parents in balancing work and family life. It includes significant reforms to the adoption system, aiming to expedite the placement of children into loving homes and granting children the option to stay with their foster families until they turn 21. Moreover, the Act implements various measures to promote children's welfare more broadly.