Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

Course Content

Transactional analysis in caregiving

Video 92 of 102
4 min 38 sec

Transactional Analysis: A Guide for Caregivers

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological model developed by Eric Berne in the 1950s, offering valuable insights into human interactions and communication, particularly useful in caregiving.

Understanding Ego States in TA

TA identifies three ego states: Parent, Adult, and Child, each representing different responses and behaviours in social interactions.

Parent Ego State

  • Nurturing Parent: Caring and supportive behaviours.
  • Controlling Parent: Critical or demanding attitudes.

Adult Ego State

Focused on objective, present-moment processing of information, free from past biases or future anxieties.

Child Ego State

  • Free Child: Spontaneous and creative responses.
  • Adapted Child: Conforming or rebelling against external demands.

Applying TA in Caregiving

Understanding ego states helps caregivers tailor their communication and approach for more effective interactions with those in their care.

Improving Communication

Recognising their own ego state enables caregivers to shift towards a more nurturing or adult state, avoiding 'crossed' transactions.

Understanding Behaviour

Identifying the ego state of patients, especially those with cognitive impairments, assists in managing challenging behaviours.

Emotional Well-being of Caregivers

Reflecting on personal ego states helps caregivers identify stress and potential burnout, promoting self-care.

Enhancing Relationships

By fostering complementary transactions, caregivers can improve relationships with patients, colleagues, and families.


Transactional Analysis offers a comprehensive framework for caregivers to enhance their communication skills, understand patient behaviours, and maintain their emotional health for a harmonious caregiving environment.