Safeguarding of Children and Adults Level 3 (VTQ)

102 videos, 4 hours and 39 minutes

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Why we keep records and the responsibilities

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Effective Management of Organisational Records

Within the heart of our organisation lies the importance of maintaining clear, coherent, and comprehensive records. These records encompass both service users and organisational data, ensuring accountability and quality of care.

The Vitality of Service User Information

Individuals entrust us with personal data to facilitate tailored care. Properly maintaining these records ensures we have a precise understanding of each person's interaction with our services.

Core Components of Service User Information

  • Care Record: A holistic overview of the treatments and care provided.
  • Inter-professional Communications: Correspondence, such as letters, between health and social care professionals.
  • Tests and Results: Important data like test results, x-rays, and more.

Organisational Record Keeping

Apart from user data, we also meticulously maintain organisational records to manage our operations and uphold service standards.

Types of Organisational Records

  • Staff Records: Including references, sickness history, and DBS checks.
  • Operational Records: Incident reports, complaints, risk assessments, and financial details.
  • Communication and Documentation: Meeting minutes, memos, letters, faxes, and emails.
  • Digital Systems: Platforms such as Excel, Word, and Access.

Maintaining Cohesiveness in Record Keeping

Records can originate from myriad sources. Ensuring that related data, irrespective of its origin or format, is stored coherently is paramount. If a record spans multiple formats, cross-referencing is essential to maintain clarity for the reader.

Why Proper Record Keeping is Imperative

  • Decision-making: Facilitates informed and effective decisions.
  • Accountability: Both internally and externally, ensuring we remain transparent and responsible in our actions.
  • Continuity: Ensures consistency in care and service provision.
  • Quality Assurance: Helps in reviewing and enhancing service quality.
  • Fraud Prevention: Safeguards the rights and assets of the Trust and individuals.

Your Role and Responsibilities

Whilst everyone is accountable for their day-to-day records, the organisation shoulders a statutory duty to uphold exemplary record keeping. Furthermore, our Chief Executive ensures that individuals maintain proper records. Each staff member is intrinsically responsible for the records they create, making it an essential aspect of their role within the organisation.