Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Level 2 (VTQ)

47 videos, 2 hours and 4 minutes

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Police and urgent action

Video 41 of 47
2 min 52 sec
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Immediate Actions in Safeguarding: Legal Measures and Reporting Procedures

In safeguarding scenarios where abuse may constitute a criminal offence, urgent action is often necessary to protect individuals at risk.

Legal Interventions for Immediate Protection

When immediate danger is present, the local authority or authorised personnel can implement various legal actions through the courts, including:

  • Police Removal
  • Emergency Protection Orders (for the safe removal of a child or adult)
  • Exclusion Orders (to remove the abuser from the family)
  • Child Assessment Orders or Adult Protection and Support Orders (for assessment without consent)
  • Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders

Organisational Reporting Structures

Organisations have reporting structures in place to ensure victims are protected and safe from further abuse. In certain cases, direct police contact is necessary, especially if the incident is witnessed by the public, whistleblowers, or family members. Organisation staff are also encouraged to report to the police to ensure a swift response and crime number issuance.

Role of Local Safeguarding Boards

Reporting to local safeguarding adult or children’s boards is crucial as they can liaise directly with the police and decide on the next course of action.

Collaboration with Social Workers and Medical Professionals

If police intervention is needed, the presence of a social worker is also required, especially for a looked-after child or an adult under care. Paramedics or medical professionals may also be involved to address any injuries or trauma.

Inspection Bodies Involvement

Safeguarding boards may consult or instruct reporting to inspection bodies like the Care Quality Commission or Ofsted, depending on the case.

Decision-Making and Confidentiality in Safeguarding

The local adult or child safeguarding board coordinates the decision-making process for further investigation or protection orders. Carers are trained during their induction and specialised training to maintain confidentiality in safeguarding matters, disclosing information only to those who need to know and following specific reporting protocols.